How System Integration Can Save Your Business a Ton of Money

With the ever-increasing amount of data, businesses are constantly challenged to find effective ways to manage them to improve efficiency.  Many companies are turning to system integration services in Singapore to help tackle this issue by creating a cohesive ecosystem that can seamlessly improve processes and reduce the disruption caused by decentralised data.  However, system integrations can go beyond simplifying processes to help your company reap even more benefits. Read on to find out.

1. Reduces IT costs

One primarily benefit of system integration is cost reduction. By consolidating multiple databases into one infrastructure, you only need one team to manage one single platform, thereby reducing manpower and maintenance costs.

A good example is Amazon Web Services (AWS) data integration services in Singapore that utilise cloud technology.   AWS operates under a cost-effective model to improve efficiency and security while accumulating enterprise solutions under one infrastructure to increase automation and meet a large volume of consumer requirements.

2. Better planning

Whether you choose to use AWS data integration services orSAP integration in Singapore, the key purpose is to leverage consolidated past and present data for holistic insights.  Such analysis ensures a higher level of accuracy for inventory forecast because the data can predict how quickly supplies may run out and which slow-moving stocks should be phased out.

Similarly, businesses working with system integration service providers in Singapore are more likely to make informed decisions in financial planning.  This can help to reduce unnecessary expenses and optimise cash flow in the long run.

3. Easy access to data

Having an integrated system means having a centralised platform where employees from different departments can access accurate and real-time data.  Employees can get a bird’s eye view of all critical business data without having to plough through piles of documents just to find the most current updates.

The best part is, the information is readily available.  Employees can easily access these data when they are on the go or remote working due to the pandemic.

4. Reduce training & overhead costs

When you hire system integration service providers in Singapore to integrate different sources of data, you are also helping your business reduce training costs and efforts that can be better spent on profit-making activities.  Say, if you work with AWS data integration services in Singapore, your IT department no longer needs to train administrators to troubleshoot multiple software and hardware.  By streamlining multiple maintenance tools to a consolidated ecosystem, overheads can be significantly reduced and any duplicated data will be removed to ensure only accurate content is retained.

5. Gain valuable business insights

More companies are hiring system integration services in Singapore because they understand the resounding returns they can get out of having a consolidation ecosystem.  Businesses can gain valuable insights about their customers and implement more targeted strategies to attract and retain them.  By analysing the data such as customers’ buying patterns, payment modes and mode of engagement, businesses can more accurately tailor their marketing initiatives to improve sales and conversion.

6. Improved employee productivity

There is no doubt that an integrated system can improve business efficiency and employee productivity because employees can cut out tedious manual tabulation and fact-checking and spend more time on achieving their core duties.  For the same reason, SAP integration in Singapore is in high demand because businesses are noticing more collaborations and information sharing amongst employees.  Employees have higher satisfaction thus reducing staff turnover and cost new recruitment.


Global system integration is expected to grow from USD 278 billion in 2018  to US$1.2 trillion in 2030. This clearly indicates that businesses are recognising the importance of leveraging an integrated system and the benefits it brings.  Don’t let the traditional way of working impede your business success.  You too can optimise internal processes, improve workflow and save large overheads if you take the first step to embrace technological change.